Isola Sacra

Niccoline Tower – The oldest of the coastal towers

Discover Torre Niccolina, the oldest of Fiumicino's coastal towers erected since the Middle Ages to defend the territory from the attack of pirates and enemy ships.
Did you know that it was also called the Ruined Tower and the Cop's Tower? Discover these and other curiosities in this post (cover photo by Italia Virtual Tour)

The murals of the blue village

Discover the open-air museum inside the blue village where 9 wonderful murals will tell you about the past, present and future of this beautiful land among bright colors and dreamlike shapes.

Photo by Erica Fasano

Discovering the extraordinary life of Giovan Battista Grassi

INTRODUCTION The journey that we will take in this episode will lead us to meet an extraordinary man who in the course of his life, thanks to his work, has literally saved the lives of thousands of people not only in our territory, but all over the world. We will go through his life also showing you the places in the area that [...]

Street Art "Fiumara Grande" – Passo della Sentinella

Along Sentinel Step among its narrow streets, hidden, intricate as a labyrinth of dreams and stones suddenly you come across a work of street art that immediately catches the heart and the look of the traveler. This is the work of street art entitled "Favor the great Spanish artist Peri Helio ( [...]

Crosses on the bridge's history reminds our freedom – Fiumicino

Cross a bridge that has its roots in our liberation and that, over the decades, has survived many historical events.
Discover its historical evolution and admires her interesting technology: a huge lift in the city center!

Cycle between the river and a seaside village out of time – Isola Sacra

In the territory of the island there is a particular village Sacred that many do not know and who lives in the strip of land between the river and the Mainland for decades. This is Sentinel Pass, where the people of the river.
Ride in a place away from it all and admire the beautiful panorama which can be seen from bilancioni, where the Sun's fiery red, deep blue sea.

Browse the Tiber between history and nature – Fiumicino

Browse placidly the sacred river, the Tiberinus pater, leading off from the mouth of Isola Sacra until Rome, discovering corners of history and small green havens that you never imagined.
And don't forget the relaxation, the Sun and a light breeze that you caress the face.

Jog greenery and history at Villa Guglielmi – Isola Sacra

Villa Guglielmi born in ' 700 as casale dei Phampilj, was transformed in 1765 by Cardinal Ruffo as country villa, has since become a magnet for the entire city: surrounded by greenery, close to the Centre, the villa allows long walks between trees and canals, relaxing and joyful picnic jogging. And in spring you can relive the 1800 with the extraordinary court festivities.