The hidden treasure of Rodrigo Borgia

After the success of the bike tour at night, we decided to make accessible to all the game "the hidden treasure of Rodrigo Borgia."
To participate simply carry a Notepad (or sheet) and a pencil/pen, you will also need to download and print this map:

The aim of the game is simple, find the location of buried treasure trove of Rodrigo Borgia!
We are in 1476 and Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia is staying at the Bishop of Porto.
A few months ago was born his son Cesare, the future Prince of Machiavelli's memory, and the Cardinal, greedy character, shrewd and farsighted has already collected a lot of money and precious enough to have created a little honey. His wish is to leave it as a legacy to his son Cesare.
But how to do it?
He decided to hide it near the Bishop of Porto and create a map showing through riddles and puzzles where she kept the precious treasure.
Along the cycle path of Parco Leonardo – Fiumicino you will find a series of panels that contain quizzes, puzzles or quests to do.
Once solved the quiz, each panel will provide one or more words that are nothing more than hidden clues from the cardinal.

Each one of these clues is a part of the final mystery that, once solved, will tell you where you hid the famous treasure of the Borgias.
The goal is then to collect clues, form the final Riddle, solve it to find the solution to the riddle.
Sulla mappa troverete la posizione di ogni cartello/quiz lungo il percorso, nella parte bassa un box bianco in cui c’è (nascosto) l’indovinello finale: il vostro compito è quello di posizionare le parole trovate lungo il percorso, per formare un indovinello di senso compiuto che vi indicherà il luogo segreto del tesoro! 🙂

Vi chiederete: ok, ho trovato la soluzione, come faccio a verificare che sia corretta?
Prendete lo smartphone o il pc, aprite questa pagina web
e inserite nel campo la soluzione: se è quella corretta vi verrà mostrato un messaggio di conferma!

Buona caccia al tesoro! 🙂