What to do in Fiumicino

Check out the travel experiences in Fiumicino

Discovering the extraordinary life of Giovan Battista Grassi

INTRODUZIONE Il viaggio che faremo in questo episodio ci porterà a conoscere un uomo straordinario che nel corso della sua esistenza, grazie al suo lavoro, ha letteralmente salvato la vita di migliaia di persone non solo nel nostro territorio, ma in tutto il mondo. Percorreremo la sua vita mostrandovi anche i luoghi del territorio che […]

Stroll among art and colors by looking at the murals of Passoscuro

Once upon a time, in a small but charming seaside village, magic walls, full of colours and emotions ...
Could start so the story of the fascinating murals of Passoscuro, small but precious works of art that color and embellish the entire seaside village of Buckeye: walking through the narrow streets of the village, you will meet these artworks They tell, between pictures, murals and wall paintings, the soul and character of this land, surrounded by the green of nature and the blue sea and sky.

Borgo Valadier and the historic centre of Fiumicino

Discover the ancient village designed by Valadier, take a leisurely stroll along the lungotevere, observes the sea from the small lighthouse, enjoy local delicacies at one of the many clubs and restaurants of via torre clementina or taste a glass of wine in our cellars. The night is young but not the history of this magical place. Enjoy it!

A bike ride along the river between history and nature

Fiumicino River Park and cycle path of Parco Leonardo – Fiumicino are an extraordinary place nestled between nature and history, you discover many interesting facts about our region and our history. And you can play with "the hidden treasure of Rodrigo Borgia"