
Ship Museum

Il museo delle navi di Fiumicino è un museo moderno e accattivante che racconta la storia marinara mercantile di Roma attraverso i resti di alcune navi romane e altri reperti storici di grande pregio.
Il Museo delle Navi di Fiumicino ospita una delle più importanti collezioni di navi antiche del Mediterraneo, di cui i cinque relitti principali formano un insieme eccezionale: tre imbarcazioni fluviali per il trasporto delle merci lungo il Tevere tra Portus e Roma, una nave da trasporto marittimo e una delle rare barche da pesca conosciute di età romana il cui uso è certo, dotata di un acquario centrale per conservare vivo il pescato.

A bike ride along the river between history and nature

Fiumicino River Park and cycle path of Parco Leonardo – Fiumicino are an extraordinary place nestled between nature and history, you discover many interesting facts about our region and our history. And you can play with "the hidden treasure of Rodrigo Borgia"

Become Indiana Jones adventure park in Fregene

Who has not dreamed of becoming Indiana Jones? Climb trees, explore Enchanted forests, venturing among the foliage of the forest, walk on wires suspended in the air, let go to breathtaking adventures in nature! Fregene Park this is reality. The Adventure Park Fregene has 15 different canopy tours, with [...]

Discover the fountain of 5 Moons – Fiumicino

By December 2017 we can admire the fountain delle cinque lune returned to its original beauty, thanks to the excellent work of restoration carried out by Pro Loco di Fiumicino. But you know its history? The fountain was designed by Professor Salvatore Amato who drew inspiration from the Palace where they had to be set against the fountain, owned [...]

Explores the history of farming culture of Maccarese

Strolling through the halls of the Museum to relive old times, feel the smell of the countryside of Maccarese and live again the stories of land reclamation. Bread and work, a strong and rich culture that tells not only the Earth but the soul of the territory.

Crosses on the bridge's history reminds our freedom – Fiumicino

Cross a bridge that has its roots in our liberation and that, over the decades, has survived many historical events.
Discover its historical evolution and admires her interesting technology: a huge lift in the city center!

Feel the wind of the sea and discover the history of Fiumicino

Feel the wind of the sea, stroll along the shore ancient centuries, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea at sunset. Discover the history of fishing vessels and its seafaring tradition.

Archaeological-naturalistic park of the ports of Claudio and Trajan – Fiumicino

Stroll among trees in ancient history, antiquity's largest port.
Look at the places where 2000 years ago, sailors, merchants, labourers transported goods from 4 corners of the Empire surrounded by lush vegetation and facing a huge Lake. Live the story.